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Y4 Multi-skills event Thursday 23rd January at Hugh Sexey Middle School 1.00-2.30pm.

Y4 Multi Skills Festival 23rd January 2020

The Year 4 Multi Skills Festival will take place on Thursday 23rd January 2020 from 1:00-2:30pm at Hugh Sexey Middle School. Please could you confirm that you give your child permission to attend and return the reply slip below. There will be a charge for the cost of the coach of £4. If you are in receipt of Pupil Premium this will be reduced by 50%. 

The Year 4s need to come to school wearing plenty of layers and a warm coat, ensuring they have an extra drink and also trainers. Pupils will need school shoes to change back into after the festival, and it is recommended that pupils also bring a carrier bag to put muddy shoes into.

Please bring studded boots if you have them as the event will take place on the sports field which can be muddy at this time of year.

Yours faithfully,

Mrs F Robertson - Mrs F Robertson Executive Headteacher
